Friday, May 18, 2012

Frugal Friday

Has anyone ever seen the show "The Chew"?  It's a cooking show that I catch every once in a while on ABC.  I had it on in the background the other day while I cleaned and the kids napped.  I jolted when I heard one of the hosts say that a family of 4 on food stamps receives $124 a week for food.  I'm not repeating this because I'm against government assistance, I'm repeating this because $124 is double what I spend on groceries in any given week... and that almost always includes a pack of diapers!  So, I decided to start "Frugal Friday" for low-cost ideas, meals, etc.

Today's frugal friday features a meal that I found on pinterest for a great pork chop crock-pot meal.
Here are the ingredients and what I paid for them:

6 small pork chops $0.97  (sounds crazy, right?  They were nearing the "sell-by" date and Kroger needed to get rid of them and I was happy to take them!)
1 packet of ranch dry seasoning mix (I bought the generic) $0.79
1 can cream of chicken  (I bought the generic) $0.99
1 can of water

add all of these ingredients to the crockpot and cook on low for 6 hours.

I also made 3 servings of brown rice ($0.60) and cooked a bag of frozen broccoli ($1).
This whole meal cost $4.35, fed our family, was super easy, and we had leftovers.  What more could you ask for?!
I know what you're thinking "I could never find a great deal like that on meat".  I believe you can because I find great meat deals often and when I do I try to stock up.  $0.97 was definately the cheapest I've ever gotten pork.  But I can find it alot for $3... which still makes this meal a little over $7 and still a great bargain!

Thanks for reading, I hope you've enjoyed frugal friday!


  1. I will love this Brooke! Thanks for sharing! Is there a certain day you go to find those meat markdowns?

  2. This is the first time I've gotten that great of a deal. But it's also the first time I went on a tuesday too. So I'm not sure, but I'll see if this tuesday they have the same markdowns.
