Happy Frugal Friday!
August is just around the corner!
Before Matt and I do our August budget, I wanted to take inventory of all the fall/winter clothes I had bought for Warrick this summer at garage sales so that we could budget for clothes if needed before preschool starts.
So I went through all the clothes I had bought for him this summer. And it turns out, that he has a lot more than I thought! I bought him 10 shirts, 1 pair of khakis, and 6 pairs of jeans. And many of his clothes still fit from last year.
I got all of these clothes pictured below for $11 total! And most of them are Gap or Children's Place. I love garage saling :) So all I will need to budget for is new shoes and school supplies!!! :)
How do you save on Back-To-School?
Happy Frugal Friday! :)
Awesome job!!! I NEED to do the garage saling more, but i need to figure out a system for the kids so they don't drive me crazy... :) I usually hit up the clearance sales {especially when Old Navy as an additional % off the clearance prices + a coupon} and stock up the year before. I've been slacking lately and haven't done that this year...