Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year!  I rang in the new year with some pretty amazing people from church and had a blast.  And I made it til midnight!  That hasn't happened in a while.
I am excited to see all the new year holds.  I enjoy setting goals every year and I'm ready to make more!

Here are my resolutions for 2013:

1)  Daily devotions using youversion.com.  For the month of January, Matt has asked our church to read Romans 8 every day and pray and fast for the visitors that will be coming to our church in January.  We know that January is a large growth month for churches and we want to be ready!  I also started a reading plan on youversion called "Satan's Lies, God's Replies"... it's a 40 day plan that each day lists a myth the enemy wants you to believe and then scripture to back up the truth.  There are a lot of great plans on youversion that I plan on using throughout the year.

2)  Watch/listen to a sermon online once a week.  I especially enjoy listening to Steven Furtick, Perry Noble, and TD Jakes.

3)  Read 24 books.  And begin reading chapter books to Warrick.  Suggestions welcome :)

4)  Set weekly goals.

What are your New Years resolutions?


  1. Brooke! I LOVE THIS! :)

    I started listening to Mark Driscoll and Tim Keller online and it has CHANGED MY LIFE!!!! You can find Driscoll on itunes and Tim Keller at The Redeemer Free Sermon Store (I think)

    I have started a Bible plan from shereadstruth.com but the Youversion you mentioned sounds right up my alley!

    Also, for chapter books, I'd recommend Mercy Watson. She's a pet pig that pretty much thinks she's a human-haha. Cute. Cute.

  2. I love youversion! I am doing a 21 day Made to Crave Devotional on there right now. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO JOHN PIPER! He is my favorite (and he is shorter than Mark Driscoll, although I like Driscoll).

    I love New Year Resolutions :)
